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Cookie Policy

Date of last update: November 2022
When you browse our website at (the "Site"), navigational data may be collected, if necessary, with your prior consent, from cookies placed on our Site. During their lifetime, these cookies will allow us to improve your experience with our brand. The purpose of this section is to provide you with clear and complete information on the origin and use of cookies that are deposited on your device (fixed or mobile computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our Site and on the means available to you if you wish to object to them.
1. What is a cookie?
2. What are cookies used for?
3. How do you set your cookies?
4. How long is your consent to Cookies valid?
5. What are the consequences if you refuse to accept cookies?

1. What is a cookie?
A cookie is a text file or tracer deposited on your device which, during its period of validity, and if its deposit is technically necessary for navigation on the Site or authorized by you, makes it possible to identify and recognize your terminal during your next visits and to provide you in particular with better navigation (the "Cookies"). The installation of Cookies only allows the issuer of the Cookie to identify a terminal, and not directly its user.

2. What are Cookies used for?
The Cookies that are deposited on the Site are of several types. They can be deposited by us or by authorized third parties and each one has different purposes:
Category of Cookie


  • Strictly necessary cookies are technical cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of the Site and that allow you to navigate the pages of the Site and to access the various products and services that we offer. For example, these are Cookies that memorize your session identifiers, your shopping cart or the information you have entered in a form, or Cookies that adapt the presentation of the Site to your preferences (language used, display resolution). Cookies that are strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the Site will always be active on your terminal in order to make your navigation on the Site possible.

  • Performance and personnalization cookies : they are functional cookies. They allow, if you accept them, to measure the audience of our Site's contents in order to improve the interest and the ergonomics of our services, in particular by establishing statistics and volume of frequentation. These cookies also allow us to personalize your navigation on the Site according to your purchase history or the products you have consulted on the Site.

  • Advertising Cookies: they allow us, if you accept them, to display on the web pages that you consult advertisements adapted and personnalized to your profile and your centers of interest on third party websites containing advertising spaces. To this end, we may share your browsing data with our partners, including social networks. These advertisements will be proposed to you taking into account, for example, your browsing history, your purchases, or your location data.

3. How to set your cookies?
Apart from the strictly necessary Cookies, and the Cookies deposited by third parties (sharing Cookies), the deposit of a Cookie on your terminal is subject to your prior consent. You can set the parameters for the installation of Cookies at any time using our Cookie setting tool or directly on your browser by clicking on the links below.
. Safari
. Chrome
. Firefox
. Edge / Internet Explorer
. iOS

4. How long does your consent to Cookies last?
Your consent to the use of cookies is valid for 6 months from the date of your choice. At the end of this period, we will ask you to renew your consent. If you have not expressed any choice, we may ask you again for your intentions. In any case, you can withdraw your consent at any time by using our cookie settings tool.

5. What are the consequences if you refuse Cookies?
By configuring your Cookies in the settings tool or in your browser, you are likely to modify your browsing experience on the Site, and no longer benefit from certain features. For example, by refusing the deposit of performance and personalization Cookies, your browsing on the Site will no longer be adapted to your preferences, particularly with regard to the products you have viewed. We also disclaim any responsibility for any difficulties you may experience in browsing the Site as a result of your decision to delete Cookies.

Privacy Policy

Date of last update: November 2022

By using our website (the "Site"), you acknowledge that you have read this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") which governs the use and protection of your personal data collected during the use of our Site, i.e. any information that directly or indirectly identifies you ("Data" or "Personal Data"), such as your last name, first name, postal address, email address, customer number.


  • Who are the data controller and the Data Protection Officer?

  • What Personal Information do we collect?

  • Why do we use your Personal Information?

  • What rights do you have with respect to your Personal Information?

  • Who are the recipients of your Personal Information?

  • Transfer of your Personal Information outside the European Union

  • Security and confidentiality of your Personal Information

  • How long is your Personal Information kept?

  • Various

1. Who are the data controller and the Data Protection Officer?
In the context of the protection of your Data, the regulation defines two key roles
- the data controller who determines the purposes for which your Data is collected. This is the individual entrepreneur Manon Lopez whose head office is located at 21 rue d'aguesseau 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, registered as an individual entrepreneur (simplified micro-tax regime) (further referenced as "Sunday Collective", "us") reachable by email by filling in the contact form, reason "Personal Data" located on the contact page of the Site;
- the Data Protection Officer, who advises and assists our company in its compliance with personal data regulations. The latter can be contacted for any question relating to your Personal Data by email at the following address:

2. What Personal Data do we collect?
Your Personal Information is collected for example when you fill in the forms dedicated to the Site when you place an order on the Site, during your exchanges with the customer service and more generally during your navigation on our Site. This is the following Personal Data:
The information collected when you create your account on the Site such as your name, first name, e-mail address, password, your contact preferences concerning the subscription to our newsletter, your telephone number and date of birth.
The information necessary for the management and follow-up of your orders such as your credit card data for the realization of the transaction, your order history (e.g. amount of purchase, references of the ordered products), your written or telephone exchanges with our customer service;
Information collected during your navigation on the Site such as your navigation history (e.g. date, time of connection and/or navigation, pages visited), type of terminal and browser, your location, browser language, access provider, IP address.

3. Why do we use your Personal Information?
We use your Personal Information for several reasons.
Our first objective is of course to always satisfy you as a customer. For this reason, we collect most of your Personal Information during the purchase process in order to deliver your orders and to follow up our relationship with you.
In addition, we may collect your Data when you give us your consent for purposes that will enhance your experience with our brand.
Finally, other Data is collected because it is needed for legitimate purposes (for example, to allow you to access and use our Site).
Below are further examples of the purposes for which Data is collected:

Legal basis :

  • Purposes of the processing

  • Your act of purchase

  • To ensure the delivery of your ordered products

  • To manage customer relations and your possible complaints

  • To manage the requests related to the exercise of your rights in terms of personal data


Your consent :

  • To receive our newsletters and personalized offers via any electronic communication service

  • To enjoy a personalized browsing experience based on your purchase history and your browsing on the Sit

  • To take advantage of our personnalized advertising offers on third-party media

Our legitimate interest :

  • To access and use the Site

  • To analyze and improve the quality and performance of the services

  • To track the use of the Site and improve your experience

  • To preserve our rights

  • To manage transactions and fight against fraud

  • Develop statistics, studies and analyses to improve our knowledge of our customers

  • Share data within the company for customer knowledge purposes

4. What rights do you have with respect to your Data?
In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, you have the following rights and can exercise them with us:

  • Right of access: you have the right to access the Personal Data we process;

  • Right of rectification: you have the right to ask us to rectify your Data if they are inaccurate or incomplete;

  • Right to erasure: you have the right to ask us to delete your Data (subject to the terms and conditions set out in Article 8 below);

  • Right to object: you have the right to request that you no longer receive communications from us by using our online forms or links at the bottom of our emails.

  • Right to portability: you have the right to request the portability of your Data, if the conditions for exercising this right are met

  • Right to information: you have the right to obtain information about how we process your Data.

In order to exercise your right, you can send us an email by filling in the contact form, reason "Personal data" located on the contact page of the Site or an email to We may ask you to provide proof of identity.
We undertake to reply to you as soon as possible after our services have received your request.
If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters, you can click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails. 

5. Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?
Your Data is mainly intended to be used by our services. It may sometimes be communicated to external recipients or to our partners for the reasons described below. In any case, the recipients of your Data are selected by us according to their competence in terms of security and confidentiality of the Data. We sign contracts with these recipients to ensure the high level of security of their systems. These are our service providers in charge of optimizing the functioning of our sites, ensuring your transactions and the security of payments, our service providers in charge of logistics (storage, preparation and delivery of your products), or our customer service, our service providers in charge of marketing and sales studies, or advertising service providers.
Your Data may also be transferred to third parties, (1) subject to your prior consent, for processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which your Data was collected or (2) where we are required to do so by law, in connection with legal proceedings, or in response to a compelling request from a public authority or (3) if we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or divestiture.

6. Transfers of your Personal Data outside the European Union
In the event that Personal Data is transferred to a country outside the European Union, we undertake to take the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the appropriate level of security for your Data as if it had remained within the European Union.
We require these Data recipients to implement the measures required to ensure the same level of protection as that required by the European Union's personal data regulations, for example by using the European Commission's standard contractual clauses, the so-called binding corporate rules (BCR).

7. Security and confidentiality of your Personal Data
We implement technical and organizational measures to ensure the security, integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of Personal Data. We ensure that our partners maintain a similar level of protection for your Personal Information as we do. We also ensure that your transactions are secure through the implementation of appropriate anti-fraud measures.

8. How long do you keep your Personal Information?
We keep your Personal Data for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Thus, we keep :

  • your Personal Data for 3 years from the date of the last interaction between us (i.e. your last purchase, the last contact (call, email, chat or social networks) with our customer service, the opening of our newsletter, or failing that, the date of creation of the customer profile) ;

  • connection logs that are collected, with your consent, using cookies and other trackers used as part of the service, for a period not exceeding thirteen (13) months. For more details, please refer to the "Cookie Policy" above

  • Your credit card information is not retained. 

Once your Data has been deleted from our database, some of your Data may be kept in archival form with restricted and strictly limited access for the purpose of satisfying our legal, accounting and tax obligations, as well as to manage your possible claims and requests for guarantees within the applicable limitation periods.
Once your Personal Data is no longer required for the purposes or for archiving purposes to meet our legal obligations or for the purposes of the applicable statute of limitations, your Data will be irreversibly anonymized.
At any time, you may request that we delete all or part of your Data, object to its processing or request its limitation, in accordance with Article 4 above. If you request deletion of your Data, it will be deleted from our database and kept in archive form as described above.

9. Miscellaneous
If we change the way we process your Data, we will update our Privacy Policy and you will be informed of this.
Finally, we would like to inform you that in the event of a complaint relating to the protection of your Personal Data, you can also contact the French supervisory authority, the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, whose site is accessible at the following address:

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